Company Profile
Check your well-being, it is in your DNA
LifePlus aims to provide innovative preventive, predictive, personalised, and participatory biomedical services that promote well-being and healthy ageing. Within LifePlus, state-of-the-art scientific biomedical methods and tools are utilised towards a personalised analysis of an individual’s physical condition along with expert consultation of how overall health status and metabolic health biomarkers for well-being can be improved.
LifePlus was founded in 2022 as a start-up company within the premises of the University of Crete. Currently, LifePlus is located within the premises of the Science & Technology Park of Crete (STEP-C) at the Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH).
Life plus project was initiated in 2015 but the Start-Up kicked off in 2023 and focuses on two main biomedical services:
- State-of-the-art analysis of person’s telomeres and genomics characteristics
- Personalised consultation based on a persons’ telomeres and genomics characteristics and lifestyle habits for well-being improvement.
Telomeres characteristics and telomerase activity are strongly associated with age-related diseases and overall well-being. The utilisation of state-of-the-art biomedical methodologies within Life-plus allows the correlation of a person’s biological with chronological age and potential risks for age related diseases towards predictive and preventive care. The analysis of the results and consultation is combined with analysis of environmental factors and overall lifestyle habits towards a personalised approach. The goal is to improve and optimise the telomere characteristics and telomerase activity thus to improve biomarkers of age -related diseases. The individuals that partake with LifePlus programs are actively involved with the overall process with feedback and follow-up examination towards optimum well-being management plan

Analytical Services
- Telomere length measurement
- Telomerase activity estimation
Consulting services
The utilisation within LifePlus of state-of-the-art biomedical services regarding telomere length and telomerase activity along with analysis of individualised genetic, lifestyle and environmental data provide the means for a personalised analysis of well-being.

ToxPlus S.A. is the major shareholders of LifePlus
ToxPlus is a dynamic, innovative and creative company focusing on providing consulting, diagnostic and laboratory services of toxicological, pharmacological and biomedical sciences, research development and production of new biomedical products. Founded in 2012 by Professor of Toxicology Aristidis Tsatsakis and established at the University of Crete, ToxPlus Spin-off company strives to be constantly evolving in the field of analyses and be continuously updated concerning the European regulations.